Our Services

for Best Skin and Hair Transplant

Complete Hair Analysis

A hair Analysis or hair mineral analysis is carried to analyse the diseases and health symptoms as these are they are responsible for nutritional deficiencies, mineral imbalances and chemical toxicity. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) tests are done as hair is one of the places where the body eliminates minerals and heavy metals. The levels and pattern of various minerals deposited in the hair can reveal a lot of information about your body chemistry and health.

A lot of people know that minerals are good for them but fewer people recognize that some minerals can be toxic. Even the so-called good minerals like the zinc and copper can mess you up if they are present in your body in the wrong ratio or if you have a hard time excreting. Lot of Youth are losing their hair at very younger stage by mid 20s. With our experience we examin your condition and give best suitable treatments.

How and why Hair Follicles get Effected

The best way to keep healthy hair follicles and overall health is to practise appropriate hair care, eat well, and lead an active lifestyle. Maintaining healthy hair follicles and encouraging natural hair growth depend on adequate blood flow to the scalp and appropriate techniques to keep the epidermis of the scalp healthy. We’ll help how to maintain healthy hair follicles .

Follicle Hair Transplant

Hair Restoration Surgery.This name change came about to accurately describe the procedure  which involves  surgically cutting or incising a full thickness hair follicle skin graft with a circular scalpel, punch or motorized drill and subsequently carefully extracting it from the scalp to be placed in  the donor balding scalp.  Due to the new developments of incision punches and devices and a variety of different extraction techniques, it was necessary to more accurately define the procedure. Additionally, many places were incorrectly marketing the extraction procedure as a simple plucking of hairs and deceiving the public.The follicular units obtained by either method are the basic building blocks of follicular unit transplantation (FUT).Follicular unit extraction was first described in 1988 by Masumi Inaba in Japan, who introduced the use of a 1 mm needle for extracting follicular units.


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), also known as autologous conditioned plasma, is a concentrate of platelet-rich plasma protein derived from whole blood, centrifuged to remove red blood cells. Though promoted to treat an array of medical problems, evidence for benefit is mixed as of 2020, with some evidence for use in certain conditions and against use in other conditions.

As a concentrated source of blood plasma and autologous conditioned plasma, PRP contains several different growth factors and other cytokines that can stimulate healing of soft tissue and joints. There are some indications for use in sports medicine and orthopedics (acute muscle strains, tendinopathy and muscle-fascial injuries and osteoarthritis), or dermatology (androgenic alopecia, wound healing, and skin rejuvenation) or even in proctology (fistula-in-ano).For preparation of PRP, various protocols are used, with an underlying principle of concentrating platelets to 3–5 times physiological levels, then injecting this concentrate in the tissue where healing is desired.

Growth Factor Concentrate

Growth Factor Concentrate Therapy or GFC treatment is a highly safe, dedicated, concentrated growth factor preparation from the candidate’s blood cells to offer superior natural results.Blood Platelets are enriched with various growth factors. Wockhardt Scientists extract them from the blood at a high concentration as a Growth Factor Concentrate is a specially designed Workhardt GFC kit. The collected GFC is then administered at the site to be treated with precise tools and specialists. The overall process involves no platelet loss and is non- pyrogenous, secure, and regenerates damaged tissues naturally.This advanced and latest hair loss treatment helps a person get the best results in only 3-4 sittings. Therefore, it is considered the best procedure to undergo to restore lost hair

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Laser Therapy

For Hair we follow Low Laser therapy, also known to as cold laser, is a relatively painless and safe way to stimulate hair growth. The therapy promotes hair development by activating the hair follicles. The laser light causes the scalp tissues to be exposed to photons. These photons are absorbed by the vulnerable cells in the scalp tissue, which stimulates the creation of new hair. Additionally, the therapy stimulates the sebaceous glands, making the new hair silkier. The therapy can also help you get rid of your grey hair since it encourages the creation of melanin, which gives skin and hair their colours.The therapy is widely utilised and has produced positive effects for both men and women. 

best skin care treatments in vijayawada

Skin Treatments

These helpful treatments are made just for your individual needs and are guaranteed to transform your skin. Find therapies in a cosy, friendly setting that will help you feel and look woken, balanced, and relaxed. With the help of one of our talented practitioners, discover peace, beauty, and harmony.

  • Hydrafacial. It is an award-winning technologically-advanced treatment. 
  • Hydrafacial. It is an award-winning technologically-advanced treatment. 
  • Laser Toning. 
  • Carbon Laser Peel. 
  • Carbon Laser Peel. 
  • Injectable Skin Boosters.
  • Injectable Skin Boosters.


We Always use a disposable, single-use equipment when doing the microblading technique. When it’s time for your appointment and you don’t see the microblading professional open a fresh one, either request a new instrument or cancel your appointment. Despite the fact that microblading is typically thought to be equally safe as conventional tattooing techniques, there isn’t any clinical or medical evidence to support this. It’s crucial to feel at ease around the expert and in the environment

Micro Blading

In order to obtain well-defined, realistic-looking eyebrows, a cosmetic treatment called microblading involves injecting pigment under the skin with a needle. According on your skin type, lifestyle, and how frequently you have touch-ups, results can typically last 18 to 30 months. Want to know how long the effects of your specific operation should last?

How long does microblading last?
  • As previously noted, microblading can persist for 18 to 30 months. Typically, it needs to be touched up once or twice a year.
  • You’ll need to return to your practitioner for a touch-up application if pigment from the procedure starts to clearly disappear.
  • Touch-ups for microblading are comparable to hair touch-ups at the roots. If you visit when your microblading first begins to fade, the colour can simply be filled in.

Mustache & Beard Transplant

The beard and moustache transplant is more tricky and technical as direction and angle of hair changes in different areas of beard and moustaches. Thus it requires greater experience and meticulous planning by the surgeon to understand the natural pattern and has to be customised accordingly. 

A beard transplant is just that: Hair is taken from one part of the body and transplanted to your jawline and wherever you want your beard to grow.Follicular unit extraction (FUE). This approach is done by harvesting complete follicular units one at a time from the donor area. FUE is less painful, which may explain why it’s the more commonly performed procedure Follicular unit transplantation (FUT). For this approach, a surgeon cuts a small strip of tissue from the back of the head and removes the hair follicles from that tissue.


Cosmetic Hair Replacement

Cosmetic Hair Replacement – As technology advances high end hair systems are often custom made with the aid of pure human hair. A membrane will be carefully applied to the scalp with modern bonding materials to secure it, and the hair will be matched to your existing hair in terms of texture and colour, making the replacement piece virtually invisible.You can style your hair anyway you like – there’ll be a little lip at the front of the scalp that you’ll soon get used to, but other than that the hair feels absolutely normal.